It certainly was...
After an all-too-long hiatus, Heroes returned on Monday, January 22 with a new episode. This time, we're picking up the threads left from Fallout.
It's two weeks later, and Peter is in a coma following the Save the Cheerleader events. Nathan seeks out Isaac in order to find what this is all about. Claire is trying to come to grips with the realization that her entire life has been a lie. Mohinder has been approached by Mr. Bennett about The List. Matt is on the trail of Sylar, as well as pressing Mr. Bennett to discover more about what he does. Hiro and Ando go to New York to find the sword that will focus Hiro's powers.
But what about Niki???
In Fallout she turned herself in to the police. Now we find her behind bars (but not before she roughed up a few arresting officers). Niki and Jessica are locked in a power struggle as to their fate. I've told you enough already, so I won't spoil it for you by telling you about the episode's last shot of Niki.
What will the next eipsode have in store for us? We'll just have to wait and see. But if it's anything like Godsend, I won't be disappointed.
Until next the one we need.