I don't know about you, but I loved this episode. I don't know how the writers manage to do it, but every week they find a way to answer questions while still posing new questions. As viewers, we need some things from our shows: we want to feel smart. It's important to us to be able to speculate on the nature of the show's goings-on, and then be able to be proven right (yes, I'm looking at you, serial-television-show-who-shall-remain-nameless-but-also-had-Greg-
Grunberg-in-it-and-isn't-Alias). *ahem* But on to the latest episode...
More George Takei! Seriously...you can't build us up like that, and then cheap out. I know, I know...he'll be on next week (at the very least, if the spoilers are any indication), but I'm impatient. Hey, I'm not even a Trekkie, but that's just cool. Are we going to have another Hero, or is Nakamura-san's power just his influence over his son?
*sigh*...I still can't stand Matt. It really is a toss-up, to my mind, between Peter and Matt as to who is the whinier, more toad-like character. Even Claire and Nathan--who don't even want their powers--don't complain as much as Matt and "Fall Out Boy" do.
And speaking of Peter, I'm really enjoying his storyline, even though I don't care for the character. Need mastery over your powers? Ask Dr. Who! It's nice to see Christopher Eccleston's character playing the jaded counter to Peter's fretting idealism.
Not that it's much of a surprise, of course, but Sylar is up alive and kicking again. They need a villain (how do you pronounce that, again?), and preferably a super-powered one. "How's Claire?" *shudder* This leads me to a theory I have about Mr. Bennett: he does have a power. I believe he can neutralize mental powers. The evidence:
- As far as we can tell, all of our heroes have only one power (yes, even Sylar). We know the Hatian can erase memories. So who blanked Matt's mindreading?
- Mr. Bennett told Eden that she finally met someone who could say no to her.
- Sylar was able to use his powers on Eden, but not on Mr. Bennett.
- Nathan was able to fly away from Mr. B. and the Hatian, so that seems to rule out physical abilities being neutralized.
And our beloved Niki/Jessica? I'm sorry to say, but it was pretty much a plotline episode. Most of the time was spent in watching Niki trying to suppress Jessica. DL's unauthorized visit was nice, but even that seemed like little more than a setup to Micah's "coming out of the phone booth" to his dad.
Stay tuned, and be sure to keep up with all the additional content; especially the online comics!