Now, I'll grant you that some of the criticism are valid, but a lot of it is just sour grapes and hype. We've had 22 shows to figure out how to tie all these plot threads together and to anticipate The Bomb, so some letdown is to be expected. Still, the bulk of it sounds like a petulant kid not getting that one toy for his birthday, even though he got tons of other gifts.
That being said, there are a couple of things I wanted to vent about regarding the finale. Yes, I still liked it, and I'm still dying to see where Volume Two takes us, but here''s a couple of things about the finale:
- One hour was just not enough. They really needed two hours to tie up the storylines, lead us into Volume Two's stories, and still not make the whole thing feel rushed.
- Most rushed of all was (obviously) the big Peter/Sylar showdown. Seriously...a couple of punches is all we get? The fight in Mohinder's apartment (to say nothing of "Five Years Gone") were more exciting. The parking meter was an apt weapon, though...insert your coin and wait for Season Two.
- Did anybody else feel like Niki was marginalized? One good swing, and Peter shoos the little missy off to tend to the young'uns. Sheesh...
P.S. I do have one last request of all you devoted readers. I've enabled comments on my posts, so if you agree, disagree, or just want to be heard...leave a comment or send me an email (link is in the right margin).
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