Saturday, February 10, 2007


Holy cow.

Sylar is on the loose again, making a pit stop to look after Mr. Muggles. I guess I have to address my previous blog post where I claimed Mr. Bennett has the power to cancel mental abilities. We saw Sylar throw him across the room; was Mr. B caught unawares, or does he simply not have powers? I did notice that he lost his glasses; could they be a focus for his ability (Hiro's sword, Isaac's smack, etc.)? We'll find out more, to be sure. Well, maybe not Mr. Bennett's name.

We saw (heh heh...) more of Peter and the Invisible Man. I'm really starting to like that guy. He's thrown Peter off a building and told him that his problem is being too emo. Ding ding ding!!! Oh, and forget "Save the Cheerleader" and "Are You on the List;" the new tagline for Heroes should be "Payple Sook." And what is the history between Mr. Bennett and Dr. Who?

Niki and Jessica? (No, I'm not saving our bifurcated hottie for last this time) Well, kids...tasers hurt. So here's a question for your faithful-viewing sidekicks: did you see the open and undamaged phone lying next to the unconscious psych? We all know Linderman's lawyer appeared shortly thereafter. Did Jessica call Linderman to get herself sprung, or was the doctor one of Linderman's plants?

Hiro has shown us now that he's fairly savvy, as well as being able to bend space and time. The family business/daughter winning esteem in father's eyes story has been done to death, but at least they did so with a modicum of wit. Apparently, we'll hear a bit more about the family history in an upcoming episode (not the next one, though).

So now, the biggest of the big. We have now met Claire's biological parents. I have only one question at this point: is there anyone Nathan hasn't nailed yet? He scored Jessica, knocked up Joanie Human Torch, and probably is responsible for Janice's baby too. I can't wait to see where they take this storyline.