Monday, April 23, 2007

Hiatus Speculation: The Linderman Group

Sorry it took me so long to finish this up. Before we begin, I should tell you (though I'm not sure why) that I've been listening to podcasts during the hiatus...including spoilers. I'll do my absolute best to keep this piece spoiler-free. Thing is, my speculation might be colored by some things I've heard. Then again, it might not. I'll try to keep my reasons vague, so as not to give anything away. Enough preface...on to the good stuff.

The "Linderman Group," as I'm calling them here is a pretty broad group indeed. I'm including not just Linderman, but Niki/Jessica (whee!), DL, Micah, Nathan, Mama Petrelli, The Hatian, and now Claire. Let's look at them a few at a time...

Mr. Linderman
Once the online comics! You're missing a ton of story if you don't. As this has been available online for six weeks, I don't consider this a spoiler. Linderman and Papa Petrelli were on a secret mission together in Vietnam. Linderman is a healer. As far as we know, Mr. P has no powers.

We're going to learn a lot about Linderman and his machinations this week, so obviously, stay tuned. Like you needed me to tell you that... I've intentionally kept myself spoiler-blind as to exactly what he's been up to. I've avoided the video that was screened for whoever-it-was. I want to be surprised on this one. But I strongly suspect that he's arranging for The Bomb. He's making sure it happens, but maybe for a Magneto-like noble reason?

Nathan Petrelli
Frying Man is set to be a heartbeat away in two years' time. Then again, the ARG (Alternate Reality Game -- the online additional stuff, for you non-geeks) has had Hana and her crew working on stopping Linderman's election rigging. Are we going to be taken on a red-herring ride, a la Lost? Please don't tank the storyline just to satisfy the online game. Please. You hear me, writers?

Once again, we get to see Nathan's struggle between harsh practicality and his innate compassion and nobility. I really enjoy watching that particular character arc, and I hope these next few episodes keep it up.

Niki/Jessica, DL, and Micah
Could it be? Are we going to see Niki take control of her alternate personality, and thus her powers? I think that before the season ends, there will be at least a temporary resolution, and that Niki will come out the dominant personality. Now all that remains is to find something to do with Super Family. Especially DL. If you listen to The 9th (a podcast I've recommended previously), then you'll know that in their recent roundtable discussion they said that DL needs to phase himself a pair and man up. Sadly, I have to agree. Nothing has been done with his character, making him a prime candidate for second-tier character death (Don't worry, Micah...he's in heaven with Eden and Simone).

Now, in one of the trailers, we see Linderman talking to Micah, so there would appear to be some big plans afoot for him. Maybe he can tighten up the slots a bit. You know, boost the house take a percent or two. But Micah has been seriously under-used so far.

Mama Petrelli, The Hatian, and Claire
Based on the extensive connections between the Petrellis and Linderman, it's no surprise that Mama knew all along about Claire. What I'm most curious about is how The Hatian got involved. Did The Company get to him first, or did Linderman? I think Linderman knew first, and here's why: the necklace. The symbol is obviously a recurring theme, especially in light of Hiro's/Kensei's sword. I get the impression it's more aligned with non-Company "specials," though I'd be hard-pressed to give more of a reason than "general gut feeling." Take into consideration also that The Company (save for HRG) believes him to be mute, whereas he only appears to speak to those he trusts.

One huge topic of speculation has been whether or not Mama has powers of her own. I've even heard people go so far as to theorize about dominant and recessive genes, vis a vis the Petrelli boys having powers and the age those powers manifested themselves. None of that for me, no sir. I just haven't seen them do enough with her to really guess. Based on nothing other than pulling a guess out of my hiney, I'd say she does...but I have no idea what.

One last thing, then, about Claire. She dies. Sorry, but she does. How do I know? How, indeed, you shout at your monitor, can you say that? How do you know? Well...I don't. I just have another one of those vague gut feelings that Claire dies in the bomb (seeing as she'd be vaporized and thus unable to regenerate). I also think that Hayden P. will be getting ready to do other things, as well (she's got a thriving Disney thing going).

So stay tuned, sidekicks...we'll soon find out what happens to .07% five years gone, and why the hard part of a landslide might just be how to stop an exploding man.